I) Changing in a compression system of JPEG for less compresion and better quality:
1.1) Changing of percent of compression, less compression - better quality
1.2) Two levels of compression
- SuperFine compression: 650-900kb.
- Fine compression: 450-580kb.
(!!Notice: Don't look at digital counter - he is always lying)
(!Notice: For hyman eye both levels of compression may be a similar.)
1.3) New buffer size, which don't conflict with HEAP-ram of phone and don't exit from the camera.
II) AutoFocus
2.1) A question wuth Infinity focus. It have different values on different phones. so, open the camdriver0.dat, find INFINITY_FOCUS = 00;
and change 00 to any other numbers, from 00 to 07. Choose the best value of infinity focus. For example, on my phone best value is 04.
2.2) Hints and tips about AF on K550/W610
Keep in mind, focus error maybe have if:
- You try to shoot at poorly envinroment.
- Object of shooting is fast-motion.
- Objects of shooting is no contrastive.
2.3) K550/W610 have a SPOT autofocus. Try to focusing on necessary objest to shooting, moved dot in AF frame with neccessary object of capture.
2.4) AF is useless on 2.5m-3meters and far. Choose the Infinity focus (also, if you've find better value of it for your phone)
III) New scenes:
3.1) Auto - for everyday situations.
3.2) Cloudy landscape - for shooting of landscape at cloudy weather.
3.3) Night Mode - for shooting at poorly envinroments. Longest shutter speed - 1/2 sec
3.4) Sunny Landscape - for shooting of landscape at very contrastive sunlights. DR Widening automatically on.
3.5) Anti-Shake - for shooting a fast-moving objects and disabling shaking. High ISO.
3.6) Text mode - for shooting documents.
3.7) Live Colors - mode with vivid colors.
IV) Dynamic-Range Widening
4.1) Use DR Widening at contrastive envinroments, for example at direct sunlights. It gives better colors.
4.2) Activating through Effects-DR Widening. DR Widening always uses at scene "Sunny Landscape"
V) Manual ISO
5.1) Low ISO values: High ISO settings:
-More light needed -Less light needed
-Less noise -Increased noise
-More image detail -Less image detail(especcialy from ISO320 and above)
-Longer shutter speed -Faster shutter speed
5.2) For changing ISO choose Effects-ISO
EV Equivalent ISO
+0.3EV = ISO 100
+0.7EV = ISO 160
+1.0EV = ISO 200
+1.3EV = ISO 250
+1.7EV = ISO 320
+2.0EV = ISO 400
VI) Auto color correction if LED is turned on
6.1) If you'll turned on the LED, the colors will correction for more reality colors, which have you seen by your eyes. There is no more ver blue images.
VII) Videorecord:
7.1) Normal mode - 25fps-26fps.
7.2) Night mode - 7fps-15fps
7.3) Smooth (but not in Night Mode) 4õ digital zoom.
For those, who are not installed lng file:
SuperFine - Normal
Fine - Fine
Cloudy Landscape - Twilight landscape
Night Mode - Twilight Portrait
Sunny Landscape - Landscape
Anti-Shake - Portrait
Text - Snow/Beach
LiveColors - Sports
Ðàñøèðåíèå ÄÄ - Negative
ISO - Solarize
Instaling Instructions
Upload camdriver to (with flasher, folder not visible in FileManager):
Upload language file to:
For example, how install language file and cameradriver with XS++ 3.1
- download XS++ 3.1 if you haven't it yet.
- shut down your phone.
- run XS++, click on 'Connect', put USB cable to your PC, while pressing 'C' key on your phone, put the other side of cable to your phone, wait XS++ recognize your phone.
- click on FSX™ radio button, click on 'Start FSX', wait a minute or two.
- find IFS/SETTINGS/CAMERA, drag and drop camdriver0.dat to right window.
- find TPA/PRESET/SYSTEM/LANGUAGE, drag and drop EN.LNG to right window.
- in XS++ click on 'Shutdown', then click on 'Yes'.
- close XS++ and disconnect your phone.
Install the graphic patch with JD Flasher or with a Setool Lite.
NOTICE: a patch may coflict with other GFX pathces!
Download the cam driver K550
Download the cam driver w610

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