Here is the link for download SEToolLite free.
Downlooad Now
This file also include a video tutorial how to apply a patch successfully.
Try the steps and enjoy.
How to apply the patches to DB2020 CID52 phones Using SETool2 Lite:
Step 1:
IMPORTANT: First you need backup the GDFS. If something goes wrong you can unbrick you phone with this backup. Here is how to do:
Open SETool2 Lite v1.11.
1. Select your phone model.
2. Click on Read GDFS button.
3. Follow the instructions given by SETool2 Lite.
4. You will get a gdfs_yourIMEI.bin file in SETool2 Lite folder. Put it to a safe place.
Step 2:
Note: If You Have Already Applied Quick Patch Before, Skip To Step 3.
We will apply the quick access patch to phone. It is needed to be able to use the quick access method in future. Due to this great patch you can easily apply the further patches, just like to DB2010 CID 49 phones.
1. Select your phone model.
2. In Windows Explorer drag the MAIN file (.mbn) onto SETool2 Lite v1.11 folder\qamaker\qamaker.exe. In the qamaker's folder you will get a quick_access_XXXX_XXXXXXX.vkp file.
3. Click on ... (three dots) button near MISC files box, and select the vkp file generated in step 2.
4. Tick Bypass DB2020 security checkbox.
5. Click on Add button and select the MAIN firmware file.
6. Press FLASH button.
7. Follow the instructions given by SETool2 Lite.
8. When a dialog pop-up, click "Yes" to remove the patch. Click "No" to add the patch. In this case click on "No" button.
At one moment you will belive that nothing happens and the status windows is not changing! DO NOT remove the CABLE! Wait until "ELAPSED x SECONDS" appears in status window.
This process will take some time, about 10-15 minutes or more...
Step 3:
Now you can apply the patches to your phone:
1. Click on Clear button.
2. Select your phone model.
3. Tick Use "quick access" patch checkbox
4. Uncheck(remove the tick from) Bypass DB2020 security checkbox.
5. Click on ... (three dots) button near MISC files box, and select the vkp file.
6. Click Write SCRIPT button
7. Follow the instructions in left status window...
8. When a dialog pop-up, click "Yes" to remove the patch. Click "No" to add the patch. In this case click on "No" button.
Wait until "ELAPSED x SECONDS" appears in status window, and done. Your phone is patched.
Patches for K530:
Displays files with the extension ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Displays files along with the increase
; Displays files with the extension
(c) IronMaster
44FB6D2A: AA1B 2A1C
44FBBC22: AA1B 2A1C 2A1C
shift heap! more stability patch! ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Heap shift! more stability for patches!
; shift heap! more stability patch!
(c) den_po
(p) vetaxa-manchyk
; v.64k
; 4 patchmakers info: 2018B54C ... 2019B54B
; this info is firmware version dependent
1912dc: 68480A216860 684988470A21
191480 00501400 B1EEBA45
1a6eeb0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB50649002301229203036004300439
1a6eec0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 013A002AF9D1286069600CBD00501400 013A002AF9D1286069600CBD00501400
Remove "Warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings. ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Clear message "Warning! Loud signal not to hold the ear" when the volume choose 7-8
; Remove "Warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings.
(c) SiNgle
(p) IronMaster
1287078: 08D3 08E0 08E0
Allows regulate the brightness of 10 to 100% ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Advanced range of brightness adjustment
; Allows regulate the brightness of 10 to 100%
(c) IronMaster
128c9fc: 401D 401C
128dc8c: 262801D200207047312801D2 00B50149884700BD21EEBA45
128dcb8: 042810D801A1095C8F44C046 00B50149884700BD6DEEBA45
128dd06: 0522 0922
133fa9c: 242901D22421 0A2901D20A21
1a6ee20: 00000000000000000000000000000000 142801D2002070471E2801D201207047
1a6ee30: 00000000000000000000000000000000 282801D202207047322801D203207047
1a6ee40: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3C2801D204207047462801D205207047
1a6ee50: 00000000000000000000000000000000 502801D2062070475A2801D207207047
1a6ee60: 00000000000000000000000000000000 642801D2082070470920704708281AD8
1a6ee70: 00000000000000000000000000000000 01A1095C8F44C0460A0E12161A1E2226
1a6ee80: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2A000A207047142070471E2070472820
1a6ee90: 00000000000000000000000000000000 7047322070473C207047462070475020
1a6eea0: 00000000000000000000 70475A20704764207047 70475A20704764207047
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ remove "accept file? (yes / no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth / etc. ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Clear confirmation when adopting through bluetooth file / etc
; remove "accept file? (yes / no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth / etc.
; © the_laser
(p) IronMaster
45A5FB40: B98D 0D90 0D90
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remove SP-Lock==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Clear SP-Lock
; Remove SP-Lock
(c) IronMaster
6191ec: 30B5041C00231A1C111C1C2088F4 F0B505213A228FF4E1FA0020F0BD
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When modify shows including the full name of the file extension ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Renaming files along with the increase
; When modify shows including the full name of the file extension
; v.2
(c) IronMaster
44FB3E2E: 721B 321C
44FB3EF4: 90F1E0FC C046C046
44FB3F18: 90F1CEFC C046C046 C046C046
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The "New Message" will be included as soon Editor SMS ==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; SMS in the rapid access
; The "New Message" will be included as soon Editor SMS
; © IronMaster
(p) vetaxa-manchyk
1009de6: 0021201CC3F2AFFBA86100282ED03168 FF215131615809782868E8F7D4F80221
1009df6: 0AF351F8A8690921 201C54F262FB2DE0 201C54F262FB2DE0
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Switching radio side buttons==> Download Patch
; K530 SW-R8BB001
; Switching radio side buttons
"Volume + (holding) - +1 station from the list
"Glasnost -" (holding) - -1 station from the list
(!) Heap shift (2018B54C-2018B54F)
(c) Joker XT
(r) IronMaster
(p) vetaxa-manchyk
19ca364: 11062045 D7EEBA45
19ca35c: CD052045 D1EEBA45
10c2e1c: 292E2045 E5EEBA45
1a6eed0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FFB5002101E0FFB50121064F3868064F
1a6eee0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 B847FFBDFFB55568024E3560034EB047
1a6eef0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FFBDFFFF4CB51820AD0C2045292E2045
Patches for K550:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acoustic Transfer folder in usb / system / acoustic ==> Download Patch
; K550i SW-R8BA024
; Acoustic Transfer folder in usb / system / acoustic
; © killem
179402C: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F 00610063006F00750073007400690063 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00610063 006F0075007300740069006300000000
179405A: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F 00610063006F00750073007400690063 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00610063 006F0075007300740069006300000000
180BEA6: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F 00610063006F00750073007400690063 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00610063 006F0075007300740069006300000000
Allows regulate the brightness of 10 to 100% ==> Download Patch
; K550 SW-R8BA024
; Advanced range of brightness adjustment
; Allows regulate the brightness of 10 to 100%
; © IronMaster
(p) 2007KrasH
1161c28: 401D 401C
1162eb0: 262801D200207047312801D2 00B50149884700BDF917C245
1162edc: 042810D801A1095C8F44C046 00B50149884700BD4518C245
1162f2a: 0522 0922
1214ff4: 242901D22421 0A2901D20A21
1ae17f8: 00000000000000000000000000000000 142801D2002070471E2801D201207047
1ae1808: 00000000000000000000000000000000 282801D202207047322801D203207047
1ae1818: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3C2801D204207047462801D205207047
1ae1828: 00000000000000000000000000000000 502801D2062070475A2801D207207047
1ae1838: 00000000000000000000000000000000 642801D2082070470920704708281AD8
1ae1848: 00000000000000000000000000000000 01A1095C8F44C0460A0E12161A1E2226
1ae1858: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2A000A207047142070471E2070472820
1ae1868: 00000000000000000000000000000000 7047322070473C207047462070475020
1ae1878: 00000000000000000000 70475A20704764207047 70475A20704764207047
Switching radio side buttons==> Download Patch
"Bass" settings change to "Mega Bass" ==> Download Patch
; k550 R8BA024
; Options "Base" changed to "Mega Bass"
;"Bass" settings change to "Mega Bass"
; © Adow
(p) KilleM
17F2499: 05 0E 0E
Blinking a small lamp at an entering call ==> Download Patch
; K550 SW-R8BA024
; Miganie lamp with incoming call
; Peredelana logic patch, when clicked, or # kachelku along with the music / vibroy shuts down and flashing
; Blinking a small lamp at an entering call
; Ver 2
(!) Heap shift
(c) IronMaster
(p) 2007KrasH
c5b086: 644E221C 644FB847
c5b218: A0EB0000 01E0A945
c5c934: 5035697C 01498847
c5c990: D11B0000 01E0A945
c5c938: 012926D100226A74 02E0C04651E0A945
195e000: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1B4F221CFFB51E4F7E78012E03D00121
195e010: 00000000000000000000000000000000 797000F001F8FFBDFFB5194F3E78012E
195e020: 00000000000000000000000000000000 08D00120144DA847322016490022134D
195e030: 00000000000000000000000000000000 A847FFBD00263E707E70FFBDFFB50020
195e040: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0D4DA8473220104900220C4DA847FFBD
195e050: 00000000000000000000000000000000 5035697C012908D100226A74FFB5084F
195e060: 00000000000000000000000000000000 7E78012E00D13E70FFBD024F3847FFFF
195e070: 00000000000000000000000000000000 A0EB00008BC9D944DD642A4569072745
195e080: 000000000000000000000000 B9511A203DE0A94519E0A945 B9511A203DE0A94519E0A945
Clear message "Run now?" when installing Java ==> Download Patch
; k550i SW-R8BA024
; Clear message "Run now?" when installing Java
(c) =- -= Alex
(p) KilleM
E1031A: 10D0 10E0 10E0
faster long filename scrolling ==> Download Patch
; K550i SW-R8BA024
Over shustraya rewinding long file names.
; faster long filename scrolling
(C) SiNgle
(p) KilleM
119F001: 0B 05
119EFB4: FA21 4A21
119EE28: FA21 4A21
119EEE8: FA21 4A21 4A21
folders Camera Moving in usb / system / camera ==> Download Patch
; K550i SW-R8BA024
; folders Camera Moving in usb / system / camera
; © killem
1794098: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F 00630061006D006500720061 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00630061 006D00650072006100000000 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00630061 006D00650072006100000000
Full access to the file manager hits in FS phone ==> Download Patch
; k550 SW-R8BA024
; Full access to the file manager hits in FS phone
; Attention! Removing / moving the necessary files, you can deprive the working phone!
; Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
; Attention! Having removed / having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
; ©, neoDimm
(P) OmgGG
459551B0: 630061006D0065007200610000000000 69006600730000005100750065007500
459551C0: 70006900630074007500720065007300 65000000740070006100000073007900
459551D0: 000000006D0075007300690063000000 7300740065006D000000750073006200
459551E0: 2F007500730062002F004D0055005300 00002F00730079007300740065006D00
459551F0: 490043000000000076006900 00002F004900460053000000
45955268: D87F6B45 F2519545; / usb / DCIM "->" / IFS "
45955278: C0519545 B8519545
45955280: EC7F6B45 F8586B45; / usb / picture -> / QUEUE "
45955290: D4519545 C4519545
45955298: E0519545 E8656B45; / usb / MUSIC -> / tpa "
459552A8: F8519545 DA519545
459552B0: 80826B45 607F6B45; / usb / video -> / system "
459552C0: 08529545 E4519545
459552C8: 40806B45 46556B45; / usb / other -> / usb "
Move Dispdriver to usb / system / display==> Download Patch
; K550i R8BA024
; Move Dispdriver to usb / system / display
; © killem
17940C2: 6900660073002F00730065007400740069006E00670073002F 0064006900730070006C00610079 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00640069 00730070006C0061007900000000 7500730062002F00730079007300740065006D002F00640069 00730070006C0061007900000000
Here is patches that will make your life much better with your CID49 DB2010 phone. For all of us who cant use FAR, but still want to mod our phones! Use with care and read the instructions.
Use GSlide to apply the patches below, patches goes on the main. Instructions is in the vkp-files sometimes, open them
and read them.
Customization Patch!
This is the patch that will change /tpa/preset/custom to your memorycard! Lets you flash FS files and customize without bruteforcing or breakin to the phone! No more waiting for PhoneXS!
Follow the instructions in the vkp file. in short, unpack the custpack to /card/custom. Please make sure what you are doing before you flash a FS.
W800 R1BC002 EU_EMEA

W800 R1BC002 EU_EMEA (/tpa/preset/custom -> /tpa/user/other/cu)

K750 R1CA021 EU_EMEA

W700 R1CA021 EU_EMEA
W810i R4EA031
W810i R4DB005
W900 R5BB01
W550 R4CB020 EU_EMEA
W550 R4CB020 APAC
W550 R4CB020 APAC1
W300 R9A036, untested
Driver Patch!
This patch changes where acustics, display and cameradriver is to /tpa/user/other/drv and lets you update your drivers with bluetooth or USB, just copy the drivers as you would a file. Only use this patch after you have customized your FS. No more waiting for PhoneXS!
W800 R1BC002 EU_EMEA

W800 R1BC002 APAC (acoustics is not working in this one)
K750 R1CA021 EU_EMEA

W550 R4CB020 (only acoustics, test version)

/tpa browsing extension patch!
This patch lets you browse your entire /tpa partition by linking "Other" in your filebrowser to /tpa
It gives you FS READ ACCESS as you can download all files from the phone with bluetooth or IR
and lets you delete files from the /tpa partition.
Follow the link to its own thread.
Menu patch!
This patch changes tpa/preset/system/menu to card/menu, for easy updating of
K750 R1CA021 EU_EMEA
W700 R1DB001 EU_EMEA
W700 R1CA021 EU_EMEA
W800 R1BC002 APAC
W550 R4CB020 EU_EMEA
Layout patch!
This patch changes tpa/system/layout -> card/layout for easy updating of the layout.
K750 R1CA021 EMEA_EU
W800 R1BC002 EMEA_EU
W550 R4CB020 APAC1
Startup/shudown patch!
This patch disables STARTUP_IMAGE_SEMC, SHUTDOWN_IMAGE_SEMC and STARTUP_SOUND.mid thus speeds up startup and stop of the phone.
W800 R1BC002 EU_EMEA

W700 R1CA021 EU_EMEA
Language patch!
This patch points /tpa/preset/system/language to /tpa/user/other/lng
Just make the lng directory and put your desired language into it.
W800 R1BC002 EU_EMEA

K750 R1CA021 EU_EMEA

W900 R5BB001
Settings patch!
This will set /tpa/preset/system/settings -> /tpa/user/other/settings
K750 R1CA021
W550 R4CB020 EU_EMEA
Mediaplayer patch!
Changes /tpa/system/multimedia/mp -> /card/mp
K750 R1CA021 EU_EMEA
W800 R1BC002 EU_EMEA
Writeprotection patch!
This patch removes the writeprotection for many files in your filesystem so you can delete them if you want.
This patch is to be applied on FS files only!!! (Sony Ericsson.mid, Bulls Eye.mp3 and many more.)
W800 R1BC002 EU4 (nordic)

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